🚨 Important AMAZON PSA...

Last week Thorny and I went for our morning walk and I was shocked at the number of white vans zipping through my neighbourhood delivering AMAZON parcels to every other house - INCLUDING MINE!!!!

So I headed on over to Oceana.org where they've been logging Amazon's plastic and emissions problem for several years.

According to Oceana's research, despite reductions elsewhere, Amazon’s plastic footprint continues to grow in the company’s largest and home market of the US.

1- Amazon generated 208 million pounds of plastic packaging waste for all transactions in the United States in 2022, a 9.6% increase over Oceana’s estimate for 2021.

2- An estimated 22 million pounds of Amazon’s global plastic packaging waste from 2022 will end up in the world’s waterways and seas.

And while they've promised to eliminate 'plastic pillows' it still hasn't happened.

And if you've ever wanted to know just how big Amazon's emissions footprint is, check this out.

As you know, I think knowledge is power.  And while I don't expect any of us will stop shopping at Amazon (including my family) awareness is the first step.

I think etee has ways to go before we can truly compete, but thanks to your support, I believe we will get there sooner than you may think - stay tuned for some big announcements.

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