is not about developing a bio-based or recycled plastic bag.
My solution is to stop using big garbage bags and just put it into a garbage bin.
And I just suggested it to my wife and her response was...
"ugh... that sounds like a lot of work... I just woke up Steve, can we talk about this later?"
But here's what the City or Toronto says about garbage collection:
Each bin/bag/item cannot weigh more than 20 kg (44 lbs) or it will not be collected. Ties/bungee cords must be completely removed before collection. All items must fit in the appropriate bins and the lids must closed for collection.
Do you see ANYTHING on that list that requires you to use a garbage bag?
I don't use a bag for my recycling and I used to put my compost in a bin without a bag and that could be messy, but manageable.
So why do we need garbage bags?
I know some municipalities require residents to use specifically coloured bags, but I don't think that's the norm.
Of course there will be times when a garbage bag is necessary, but I think most of the time it's not.
So what do you think, this New Year, can we start the no garbage bag revolution?
Are you with me???? And will you offer me a place to stay if my wife boots me out for taking on yet another planet saving project?
I used to use paper bags in the garbage can. Now I use biodegradable bags my produce comes in. Can’t think of a reason to use a plastic bag, though perhaps you’re saying not even paper or biodegradable bag? Then I worry about increased litter. The use of a plastic garbage bag in each room’s wastebasket and then to go in the bin seems less like a functional issue and more like a cultural issue resulting from decades of marketing of garbage bags.