PLASTIC FREE JULY is an annual global movement that aims to raise awareness of plastic pollution and encourage us all to make a commitment to reducing waste.  

So this year we're planning a big sale from July 24th to August 2nd to continue our mission to make Plastic Free Living accessible for EVERYONE.


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  • The food wraps seem to fall apart after about 5 uses, and feel strangely sticky. All I do is rinse them in warm soapy water, and gently squeeze them and hang them to dry, but the wax falls off. What am I doing wrong?

    Sarah Berto on
  • Thanks for helping with the fight against plastic! I enjoy your products and would love a good sale on them. I’m in the US, and I do appreciate the ability to pay in USD. I hope you can offer the option for Canadian currency, but please don’t get rid of USD when/if you do.

    Stephanie on
  • I use and appreciate your food wraps and have previously given them as Christmas gifts. I prefer your food wraps are used instead of plastic disposable zip-lock bags.

    T on
  • I completely agree. Why are you selling through the US. Come on, you ate a Canadian company. You don’t need them, you have us. Please sell it from Canada to canadians. When I saw it sold from US I was put off buying it.

    Tania Mcqueen on
  • Loved the concept of your company, decided to jump in and order – not happy to be billed in USD….hopefully you can work with a Canadian company to help with your online ordering, shipping and billing to help navigate that problem.

    Colleen on
  • The dish soap bar will be good for going camping

    JOe sPuches on
  • I would like to buy my stuff and get the quotes in Canadian currency. After all the company is Canadian!

    Marnie Jacobsen on
  • I often use the bamboo utensils and get good comments. Thanks for helping to promote plastic free items.

    S H Rawe on
  • Love what y’all are doing for the world. The dish soap bar is an interesting concept. I would like to try that.

    Jewell Bowen on
  • would try the dish soap bar. used to pump though so not so sure. I see soap suds on my counter which would not be good

    Steve Spiller on

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