Our detergent doesn't have a rinse aid, plastic and unnecessary water, BUT, it's our worst reviewed product, and it may be because we DON'T have a rinse aid.... in fact, before this study came out, we developed another formula with a rinse aid.
What should we do?
A) Stop exploring a rinse aid and suggest customers use vinegar with our detergent (which means another plastic bottle to store the vinegar and knowing vinegar isn't as effective)?
B) Continue exploring alternative rinse aids and cleaning options, knowing that the 'alternatives' often (but not always) cause the same issues because they are new and haven't been tested yet?
C) Wave the white flag and decide our detergent is what it is - it works for a number of people, but not everyone - and in time we'll find a better option?
We don’t run the dishwasher but a few times a week, and I haven’t noticed any health problems. I’d go with C.
On another note, I like your deodorant…but its way too thick! Can you make it more like a cream? Warming it to apply is a bit of a hassle. I really appreciate your company and it’s mission. I LOVE the dish soap!