100 Million Plastic Utensils Are Used in America Every Day... REALLY?

Fake News, Click Bait or Factual Scientific Data?


100 Million Plastic Utensils... Really? from Steve Reble on Vimeo.

We see reference to our disposable plastic culture every day, so much so, that we at etee HQ have become numb to it.  So Steve headed out on the streets in Toronto (a City of approximately 5 million) to try and give the stat surrounding the use - and potential abuse - of plastic cutlery some context.

Here's what he found.


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  • Plastic is poison. I even stopped using a lot of paper products like plates. Unfortunately I am addicted to using paper towels and napkins even though I have both in cloth. This site reminds me that I need to step up my game. THANK YOU.

    Jaki Mathews on
  • I recycle everything. So i dont understand why there arent actual local laws in place to enforce and support recycling?

    Joan Settina on
  • It looks like there are 50,000 fast food restaurants in America according to google maps (http://www.pamf.org/teen/health/nutrition/fastfood.html). If we consider that each one gives away 200 plastic utensils / day on average (which still maybe a bit low) that equals 10 million utensils each day.
    Thanks for showing me this!

    Michele on
  • I never ever really thought about this big problem before until this company came along. Thank you for waking me up!!!!! I hope you can reach many others like me who are just completely ignorant of all the unnecessary plastic waste there is in this world.

    Mechele Black on
  • Im working on doing my part by using Eztee shop’s covers & I just ordered the three sizes of the bags. I do own stainless steel straws. I have noticed some fast foods are using paper straws which is fantastic (I believe A&W are now using paper straws). I’ll keep trying on using no plastic however it’s a huge retraining of the human mind because I don’t think we as humans put much thought into where the plastic does go.

    Sharon wood on
  • I nearly became a plastics engineer. They was an accident in a factory I was working in, releasing the fire retardant that was incorporated into the plastic that nearly was so poisonous that we had to evacuate for facility. I decided to be a chef instead. Plastics are great, but they are also quite poisonous.

    David Rozansky on
  • I am doing what I can step by step but yes, design and manufacturing needs to change. Stop buying juice, sauces, dressings etc. if no bottled in glass.

    Janis Kobe on
  • It’s absolutely frightening how much plastic is used and thrown away and thanks to organisations like Greenpeace and WWF we are seeing the devastating effects plastic is having on our lives and animals lives, especially sea life. China is the biggest culprit in producing plastic and polluting the air with their mass factories! The governments and world leaders need to address this problem by having talks and coming to an agreement with China in order to reduce the amount of plastic they are producing. This has to be addressed sooner rather than later as if nothing is done very soon, the build up of plastic in our oceans and on landfill will continue, as we keep on using it on a daily basis in all sorts of ways, having extreme dire effects on us, our environment and also the animals and their habitats. This has to stop. And it has to stop NOW!!

    Sharon Hazelden on
  • And that,s just the tip of the ‘plastic’ ice burg. Looking at my own 83 yr. old life at home, it,s absolutely gross and disturbing how much plastic wrap, containers, etc. etc, becomes waste!! When I take my recyclables to our special area in my apartment bldg.,
    I,m absolutely appalled and disgusted what I see there!
    Even though we all try…there,s just too much produced. The source of these plastic items have to be addressed at their source of manufacture….
    Just signed a petition to create a Nobel Prize for climate change.
    Perhaps it,s time to do the same for plastic…there,s just too much in our lives.
    I purchased a frozen pizza recently, and while eating it found a piece of hard plastic in my mouth!
    I shudder to think of what I eat when I eat fish..which I do often!

    Cecilia BRown on

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