Have a cool 'plastic-free' product idea that's keeping you up at night?

Welcome to the club!

This is your chance to bring that idea to life.  

No bad ideas, so dream BIG and help us - help you - make 20 new products in 2020.

Top idea wins a prize! Winner will receive an etee Hit Kit - a sampling of our top products!


By entering the contest (ie, adding a comment with a product idea) you agree to the contest rules

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  • How about waxed paper straws?

    Mary Russell on
  • I live on a boat, and keeping fruits and veggies fresh is difficult. Plus, I can’t stand using all those plastic bags. This isn’t a novel idea, but I use thede bags and wraps every day. My fruits and veggies stay fresh twice as long!

    Adrienne on
  • We love your vegan wraps for our fruits and veggies. They even kept my homemade biscuits fresh. Can you please please please make a vegan bread bag for artisan breads and buns. I bake bread and wrap it in linen but that has its “keep it fresh” limits. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

    Denise Fantinato on
  • I would like to find a solid soap bar that I can use while I am traveling or at the gym, with a sustainable plastic-free case that allows the soap to dry without getting mushy or spilling water.

    Elena Tavecchia on
  • So I’m not a scientist, but it has always seemed like drier lint went to waste. I imagined that it might be used in paper production (seems like in the old days paper was mucho classier and pricey if it had cotton in it???). Could it be recycled that way? or another? Right now it’s land fill filler.

    Cheryl Reagan on
  • See through bags would be nice…

    Carol Scott on
  • Recyclable/sustainable tooth-cleaning products. Toothbrushes & toothpaste tubes wash up on beaches all over the world every day.

    Elinor on
  • A plastic free option to replace the dental flossers. I have switched to biodegradable dental floss but my boyfriend still uses flossers and I can’t get him to switch because he likes the convenience of them. I was thinking either the same product but made from biodegradable material (although this still seems wasteful if you’re using one every day) or some type of refillable option with biodegradable floss refills

    Lexi H on
  • I second dog poop bags. Pickup is required by most town ordinances, yet people use plastic and then dump in landfill. Home toilet would be better, as long as the bag degrades fast in water.

    Kathryn Nguyen on
  • I would love it if etee made a concentrated liquid bathroom cleaner in a biodegradable package the same as your dish soap.

    Nicole on

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